So far, everyone knows the importance of protein in muscle training and recovery. But you might ask yourself: “How many grams of protein do I need to build my muscles?” The purpose of this article is to provide you with accurate information.
What is protein?
First of all, there is a very good problem to be solved. This problem is rarely solved! Protein is one of the four major nutrients (protein, fat, carbohydrate and alcohol) and is composed of long-chain amino acids. We use protein to perform thousands of functions in the body, one of which is to maintain muscles.
If you want to build new muscles, you need to get enough protein in your diet. If you want to keep all the muscles you already have, you can do the same. But only one kind of protein is not enough. You also need a variety of proteins, because doing so can ensure that you get a complete amino acid profile.
Note: Different combinations of amino acids constitute dietary protein. You want to master all the combinations in the diet. If you want to eat, drink and enjoy the fun like amino acids, there are many combinations for every few people.
Contrary to popular belief, it is completely possible to obtain all the protein and amino acids needed for a vegetarian diet. In other words, most people (vegetarians and non-vegetarians) have low protein content in their diet, which is certainly not enough to strengthen muscles.
How much protein do muscles need?
The common goal of protein is 1.5 grams of protein per kilogram of lean meat. Therefore, if you weigh 100 kg and have a fat content of 20%, your lean weight will be 80 kg (20 kg fat). Need 120 grams of protein per day. This is a good goal for people who don’t exercise and don’t like to build muscles.
Research shows that if you want to exercise your muscles, you should consume 2.1-3.1 grams of protein per kilogram of lean body mass. It doesn’t seem to make a difference, but it can add up quickly:
If you weigh 100 kg and the trace content is 20%, you need to consume 160 to 240 grams of protein per day. Here, whey protein shakes (or vegetarians) are easily available. Even so, most ordinary people still consume 240 grams of protein a day.
And, for most people, finding your lean body mass is out of reach. A better way is to ignore the weight/aunt and only use the actual weight. If your weight is 100 kg, use this size.
In this case, you need to be more conservative with the numbers. The rule of thumb is 1.5 to 2 times your body weight, which is a good indicator of how much protein you need to add to your muscles.

If you classify yourself as overweight, low weight, low weight, high weight.
How do I calculate how much protein my muscles need?
If you know your body fat percentage, you can use this percentage to calculate your lean body mass. Then multiply by 2 to get the protein intake requirement.
If you don’t know your body fat percentage, then multiply your weight by 1.5 (if you are overweight) or 2 (if you are underweight).
If all this sounds too troublesome, focus on implementing strategies to increase the protein content of each meal. Eat a high-protein breakfast and add a protein shake at lunch. Add beans, legumes and legumes to dinner.
Is the type of protein that makes up muscle important?
No, it’s a good idea to extract protein from various foods, but when it comes to actual muscle development, it doesn’t matter as long as you have all the appropriate amino acids.
However, one thing you have to be good at is identifying foods with poor protein/calorie ratios.
Generally, foods like peanut butter are high in protein. But in fact, when you add calories together, they contain a lot of protein, while fat and calories are much higher. This can lead to overeating and weight gain.
Don’t avoid these foods altogether. The peanut butter is great. But remember this. One gram of fat is 9 calories, and one gram of protein is 4 calories. Therefore, something with 20 grams of protein and 20 grams of fat will contain 80 calories of protein and 180 calories of fat!
frequently asked questions
This is a set of frequently asked questions that are often published in articles about proteins. I hope this solves any problems you have.
Is there too much protein in 200 grams?
It depends on your size. If you weigh 50 kg, 200 grams of protein may be too much (although it will not cause any problems). If you weigh 150 kilograms, that might not be enough! Think that protein content is too high is dangerous, although many foods with high protein content may also be unhealthy (that is, due to the high protein content of cooked fat, all protein cannot Obtained from cooked food).
Can you eat too much protein?
But in fact, it’s not. Protein is difficult to digest and eat in large amounts, which will make you feel full. It can also slightly increase your metabolism. One theory is that eating too much protein will not lead to fat gain, because it is too difficult to do so.
But remember, most foods are not made of pure protein! Eating too much protein will not have much benefit. Try to stick to your goals, but if you indulge too much, don’t worry.
How much protein per kilogram?
If you sit still for a long time, your weight per kilogram is about 1.5 grams. If you are very active, the maximum weight per kilogram is 3g. If you don’t know your body fat percentage, your weight is 1.5 or 2 times your weight.
Can I still use plant protein to build my muscles?
of course. Many vegetarians or vegetarians used to work hard to build muscle, not because of the poor quality of plant protein, but because of lack of choice. If you only eat ordinary food a day, it will be difficult to eat 200 grams (or any other weight).
Thanks to vegan protein powder and better vegetarian options, you can reach your goals and build muscle more easily.